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THE RUFF RUFFMAN SHOW is an all-new, short-form animated digital series designed to help kids ages 4-8 learn core science concepts through videos, game-play and hands-on activities. The PBS KIDS series stars canine host extraordinaire Ruff Ruffman, who, along with his assistants Blossom and Chet, answers questions from real kids, takes on challenges and learns the value of perseverance—all while modeling science inquiry skills.
Produced by WGBH Boston, the series is part of a multiplatform, playful learning media experience themed around four kid-friendly physical science topics: wearable science, sports science, kitchen chemistry and structures. For more information, follow THE RUFF RUFFMAN SHOW on Facebook and Twitter.
THE RUFF RUFFMAN SHOW was developed as part of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) and PBS Ready To Learn Initiative with funding from the U.S. Department of Education. Ready To Learn is a federal program that supports the development of innovative educational television and digital media targeted at preschool and early elementary school children and their families.