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SID THE SCIENCE KID is an educational animated television series that uses comedy to promote exploration, discovery and science readiness among preschoolers. This landmark production of 40 half-hour episodes, co-produced by The Jim Henson Company and KCET/Los Angeles for PBS KIDS & debuted on September 1, 2008, as part of the popular PBS KIDS preschool destination, the hosted two-hour morning block and online destination. SID THE SCIENCE KID, The Jim Henson Company's first series for PBS KIDS that features a practical in-school science curriculum, uses music and humor to celebrate children's natural curiosity about science in everyday life. The energetic and inquisitive Sid starts each episode with a new question ("Why are my shoes shrinking?" "Why do bananas get mushy?") and embarks on a fun-filled day of finding answers with the help of family and friends.