Premiered Sundays, April 5-May 10, 2015 10:00 - 11:00 p.m. ET

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Part One Having failed to secure the annulment of the King’s marriage to Katherine of Aragon, Cardinal Wolsey is stripped of his powers. His hopes of returning to the King’s favor lie in the ever-loyal Thomas Cromwell.
  • Original4/5/2015
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Part Two Cardinal Wolsey has been forced to move to York. Cromwell stays in London, seeking to return the Cardinal to the King’s favor. As Cromwell’s relationship with Henry deepens there is unexpected news from the north.
  • Original4/12/2015
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Part Three With the Cardinal now dead, it falls to Thomas Cromwell to orchestrate a marriage between the King and Anne Boleyn. Cromwell is rewarded for his loyalty by the King, but he is being closely watched by his enemies.
  • Original4/19/2015
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Part Four Anne gives birth to a baby girl, failing to produce Henry’s longed for male heir. Cromwell requires the nobility and church to swear an oath acknowledging Anne as lawful Queen. But will Thomas More agree?
  • Original4/26/2015
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Laura Garvey


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station contact, WGBH

Vicki Yuen

Station Contact, GBH